Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 9-14

I am sticking to it! I have been slacking when it comes to blogging but not when it comes to eating well! I am down 13 pounds and feeling good about it! I ordered more Medifast and it should be here Friday. I am hoping after that the pounds will fall right off! = )

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 4

I am back on track!

Today I ate all my Medifast meals, a nice yummy healthy dinner and worked out! YAY ME! I got up and weighed this morning and I was up 2.5 pounds from the day before, OUCH!

I went to water aerobics and worked extra hard! It felt really good! Afterwards my cousin and I stayed and did some laps. When I got home Carson asked if I wanted to walk the dogs which was the perfect end to my night. It felt good to go out and do one last thing. With Medifast I am not supposed to be working out everyday so the 30 Day Shred might not be the best idea. I like the workout though and really want to stick to it so I might do it anyway, we'll see. I tried to add some of the moves into my routine at the pool tonight, I think that will help.

Day 4... getting easier and learned my lesson!

Day 3


I am hurting today! My legs are not feeling too good! Today our Director took some of us to lunch to show us his appreciation. The lunch went really well and I ordered a nice salad. Unfortunately, my Aunt Flow came to visit today and all the cravings began. I felt like I was STARVING. So I was bad. For dinner I had half of a peanut butter milkshake (I know, I know... shame on me!) and a garden burger. They were both sooooo tasty and I loved every single bite but afterwards I felt so gulity about it!

Day 3.... could have been better!

Day 2

I did good today! I ate well the entire day and am not craving other foods too much anymore, always a good sign! I did my 30 Day Shred workout even thought I REALLY didn't want to. I mean seriously I kept thinking maybe I will let it get too late and then I will have to go to bed and not do it. I got up to go to bed, felt really guilty and got my butt up and did it. Afterwards, I felt really proud and accomplished!

Good day 2!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Diet and exercise and healthy food...OH MY!

Time to loose some weight and get my bootie in shape! For the last couple of weeks I have been really watching what I eat and so far I have lost 10 pounds. Although I am happy with the results, I have a lot more to go! We are going to Las Vegas the first week of September.

I am going to start blogging daily and tracking my daily routine. That way, I have something to look back at to keep myself motivated and also, maybe it will help me continue on easier. It is never easy doing your own routine when it comes to eating and exercise, especially when you would much rather be doing what everyone else is doing (or not doing).

I am going to stick to Medifast for eating and I am going to switch up my exercise plan. I plan on doing my weekly water aerobics, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, walking/running, and then when I can get myself out of bed in the morning, swim some laps.

Today is my first day of tracking and I followed my eating plan really well. I just got done with my first night of Jillian Michaels...WOW! Intense! Carson and I also walked the dogs tonight, not a big deal but hey, it is something! = )

If you have any good tips for me, please feel free to comment.



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