Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's working!!!

I think that this blog is working....I am getting more motivated! YAY!!! This week we got a lot done around the house!

- Started our garden (we started them in little starters like the picture below. The only difference is that ours we can plant directly into the ground.)

- Hung hardware for curtains in the living room (this was a HUGE project because the walls are plaster. Was soooo proud of myself when I crossed this baby off my list!)

- Hung new curtains

- Mailed back Direct tv boxes (we switched to Comcast and were supposed to send these back a few months ago....)

- Had extra keys made for the house and garage

- Carson removed the rose bush that had blown over in the wind out front.

- Started packing for our trip to the Bahamas (we leave in 3 days!!!)

- Caught up on my tv watching (this was VERY important)

I am going to make sure to keep on blogging. It feels good to get so much done!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I am sure that my sister is the only one reading this, but like I said... this is my "to do list" to get me inspired and motivated. Carson and I are going to start a garden this week so I have decided I better take that one extra step and start a compost. I am SUPER EXCITED about this! I have been researching the best way to go about it and boy, it is easy! I am not sure why I have not done this before. Compost bins can be really spendy so I am going to make my own. I researched online different ways people have made theirs and decided to make this one.

Materials Needed:

· Large trash can with lid that locks on
· Platform of some sort (I used a wooden plant stand on wheels)
· Screws (to attach platform to trash can)
· Drill with large drill bit


1. Using your drill, make holes along the sides of your trash can, as well as on the lid and on the bottom of the trash can. Our trash can turned composting bin has approximately 20 – 25 holes total.

2. Again using your drill, attach the platform to the bottom of your bin. Make sure that you do not cover up the holes that you have made on the bottom of the bin. (Or, if you need to, just drill a few more holes in the bottom.) This platform will help to allow drainage from the composting bin, as well as to save the grass underneath your bin.

3. Collect some of the items on the approved list, and start composting!

4. Every couple of days, go out to the yard and put your trash can on its side. Roll it around the yard for a couple of minutes.

5. Add more items from the approved list, as you produce them.

6. When desired, use the rich, dark soil that has been produced!

Awesome, right?!?

I also want to make my own laundry detergent. I found some recipes and now have to decide which one I am going to try. I will let you know how that goes.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Blogger

I have decided that a blog would be a great way for me to sort all my ideas/thoughts. Maybe if I blog about them I will have an easier time following through. I have so many projects I would ♥ LOVE to start but I get home from a long day at work and don't want to do any of it. Carson and I are going on a cruise next weekend for a week but when I come back I have a lot on my "want to do" list.

I love to decorate, LOVE IT! I also really love furniture. I would really like to start re-doing old furniture and decorating our home. I will post pictures when I start.

I also want to start canning and freezing food. I got some ideas from another blog and will start getting to work soon. Like I said...I have a ton I WANT to do, now I just need the motivation!!


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