Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolution??

It's time to start thinking of New Year's Resolutions. Honestly, I think there are enough stresses in life and that we are already very busy people so why add another thing to our list that we HAVE to get done? Instead, I think it is more fun to make a list of activities we want to do, projects we would like to complete and if we don't get to them, oh-well! However, if we will feel amazing and very accomplished!

Carson and I are planning a trip to D.C. and New York in February. Other than that, I am hoping to travel a little less this year and spend our time and money on at home projects. This is where the list comes in. Over the next year I would like us to do the following (if we feel like it, have time, have the money) and if not, no big deal!

  • Make a headboard for our bedroom

  • Make a little wall next to the stairs so nobody can fall

  • Stair rail

  • New kitchen floors

  • Sofa table for behind the couch

  • Update Carson's grandma's buffet and bring into the house

I will make sure to post as/if I accomplish! = )

xo Kristi

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Is just around the corner!

Christmas has come and gone, seriously...that fast. Christmas was very good to me. This year was the beginning of some new traditions that I know I will continue to love. For the first time, I did not spend Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. Instead, Carson's family invited me to spend Christmas Eve with them. I am a huge traditions girl so this was a huge change for me but I REALLY enjoyed it! Carson is one of six kids which makes family get togethers a ton of fun because there are a lot of us. Christmas day we went to my parents at 5a.m. (I know, we are nuts) and then came home to open present to each other next to our own Christmas tree. It was perfect. This was my first year really decorating for Christmas and I already can't wait to add to our collection next year! Later in the evening we went back to my families house for dinner. My mom always makes the perfect Christmas dinner and everything was delicious! I got some great gifts that I am excited to share with everyone but I am going to leave that to a future post (I need to take pictures).

New Years Eve we are having dinner with friends and then probably going to get drinks. We haven't done anything for New Years the last couple of years which has also been nice but this year I am getting excited to venture out!

The last couple years have been some of the best and I am hoping 2011 is just the same, if not better!


xo Kristi

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Have you heard of Craigseasy??? If not, you are going to be happy you have now! It is amazing and will save you so much time. You will no longer have to search through pages and pages of listings, you can search by pictures instead.

You will need Firefox to use this feature. Pull up Firefox and then go to Craigseasy. There will be an orange EASY button on the top of the screen, drag into your tool bar. You are ready to start using this excellent tool now!

Go to Craigslist and search for whatever you are looking for. Next, click on the EASY button that you have added to your toolbar. Now you should be seeing all posts under your search in pictures! You will no longer need to open each post to see pictures. AMAZING!


xo Kristi


This bed is GORGEOUS! I love the chunky legs. I found this picture on a blog once and they didn't say where it is from so I have no idea where I could get one. I am sure even if I found it, it would probably be way more then I want to spend. I hope to have a bed like this one day, I have yet to find anything like it. I am thinking of creating my own version of the art above the bed soon. I will post pictures and details if I do.

xo Kristi


I love the look of white bedding, it looks so fresh. I would love to have white bedding but I find it difficult to keep clean. I don't mind cleaning my bedding often, however, our king size bedding never fits in our washer and going to the laundromat all the time sounds like no fun! So, I decided a white duvet would be perfect and then I could just pull it off and throw it in the wash. The one issue with the duvet cover is that it drives me crazy when it does not stay in place. I am not sure what to do or where to find the perfect white duvet cover.


xo Kristi

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

About Me

1. The most spontaneous thing I've ever done was ... skinny dipping while camping (we were camping in the middle of nowhere, nobody was around...I made sure!)
2. The best gift I've ever received was ... my baby blanket fell apart, my mom fixed it back to new and gave it to me for my Birthday... BEST MOM EVER!
3. A time that I was truly and genuinely surprised was ... when my mom and dad picked my sister and I up from school when we were younger and took us to Sunriver for the weekend. We had a blast!
4. I can't leave the house without ... it depends on where I am going, I don't have anything I am too attached to.
5. My favorite day of the week is Friday because you have a normal productive day, wear jeans to work and then get to do something fun at night and sleep in the next morning :). Plus the next two days I get off work!
6. Something that can always make me laugh is ... my sister, she has literally made me pee myself. She is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S!
7. My perfect day would include: I love a lot of different things about life so I can't think of one thing but it would be with those I love and the day would not rush bye.

xo Kristi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Giving Back

Have you heard of The Adventure Project?

I love what they're doing. And I'm copying this post from an e-mail I recently received from them :)

While Jack Frost has been nipping at our noses this week, you'll be nice and warm by putting coal in everyone's stocking. For every box of coal you purchase, The Adventure Project will give a charcoal-efficient stove to a family in Haiti.

Know a few people who deserve a lump of coal? Or someone who has been extra nice? It's the perfect present for your co-workers, as a housewarming gift, or for the sister who has everything. Spend $20 and give so much more to a family in Haiti.

Final Days to get coal by Christmas:
Standard Shipping: Friday, December 17th
Express Mail: Monday, December 20th

xo Kristi


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